Band Troup, Skating, Music(Vocal & Instrumental), Dance, Yoga, Karate, Guitar, Keyboard etc.
Basket ball, Volley ball, Shuttle Badminton, Foot ball, Badminton, Hand ball etc.
Literary and Oratery Aptitude
* Literary works
* Quiz
* Public speaking
* Speech and debate
* Language development
* School magazine
Social Attitude
* Model Arts
* Social Service
* Model Parliament activities
We focus to assist each child to succeed at the highest level possible by providing a variety of opportunities and encouraging participation by all. Inspired by the educational value, students can participate in different clubs and engage in diverse activities. Clubs include Band, Music, Science, Visual & Fine Arts, Math, Debate, Eco & Heritage, Sports, Religion and much more. Our focus on such practical approach prepares children to face real life issues and succeed in their future endeavors. We create an ideal environment through which students become competitive in their talents and are educated for knowledge creation, lifelong learning and leadership. They will take on leading roles in their future working environments, directing change, solving problems and developing new knowledge.
The School Band Troupe synchronizes the beat and rhythm of the school with 24+1 members. We have a team of professionally skilled youth to play the instruments and modify various events, in and outside the campus, morning assemblies and meeting. The main aim is to trigger a fine motor skill of the young ones involving synchronization of hands and fingers with sounds.
A magazine offers many more and varied advantageous for young adolescence. In it, students write in an authentic way, collaborate meaningfully and often strengthen their personal identity, at the same time empower the readers with thrilling texts written at accessible reading levels. We encourage students to publish their own handwritten magazines so that their creativity may be promoted. These types of manuscript magazines are found to have a great educative value. It develops their power of thinking and writing skills. It motivates them to read with a view to producing better articles, poems, short stories and current events. Children also develop a sense of humour by drawing cartoons using their imagination and drawing skills. Besides, the project involves a lot of co-operation and discussion making it necessary for them to speak with the result that they inadvertently develop their speaking skills too.
* Nature and field trips
* Educational tours / picnics
Numerous students have passed through St. Xavier's school and now are serving humanity within the country and abroad in different capacities, and some of them in very high positions. We conduct a variety of programs and activities here every year. These programs strengthen all our academic disciplines, active life skills and an extensive career and technology studies in various levels..
Some generic activities conducting here:
* In addition to focusing on academic excellence due importance is paid on games and sports
* Outreach programs - visit to orphanages & poor homes and donate money collected by the students as 'I-share' programme
* Retreats, seminars, orientation programs in the school and other centers for staff & students'
* Inauguration of literary association, various clubs, houses
* Competitions such as, cultural events, literary writings, quiz, drawing and painting handwriting, philately & numismatics etc.
* Celebrations like Christmas, onam, parish fest, memorable days of the heads of the institution, staff and students, school annual day, important days of the state and nation etc
* Inter house competitions
* Scholarship examinations - PCM, DCL, Sathyadeepam, Calligraphy etc
* Clubs & club activities, Debate & Drama, Sports, Band, Choir, Art, Gardening and co-curricular activities, skating etc.
* Track and field sports and games
* Religious practices by actively involving in KCSL, diocesan level
* Study tours
* Science & Math fare exhibitions
Arts and crafts require a lot of creativity and a keen interest in innovation. They are meant for people of all age groups for recreation and fun purposes. If you find that you are exceedingly good at a particular form of art, then you can even consider making a career in that field. Though there are many arts and crafts ideas for adults and kids, we need to find out where exactly our liking and interest lies to enjoy that art or craft. Parents of school going children can enroll their kids' names in art classes to identify the budding artists in them. Easy craft ideas for children are available in plenty on the Internet and so you can always surf to get more of those. Here we will be discussing arts and crafts ideas for kids, teenagers and adults. Keep reading. Making wooden toys can be one of the best arts and crafts ideas for girls as well as boys. This form of art would be enjoyed the most by teenagers. Well, people of all age groups can have fun making toys. Why not? For this activity, you would need pieces of wood, decoration materials and water colors. First, what you can do is prepare a sketch of the toy using a pencil and paper and then start making it by giving shape to the available wood. Make sure that you cut the wood properly to make the final toy look great. Once the structure of the toy is ready it can be colored in attractive colors. Such toys can serve as easy crafts for kids and can even be kept in exhibitions for display and sale. And not just wood; you could try using different materials for making simple toys. These are simple kid's crafts, but they give children a feeling of achievement for having 'made' their toys themselves. Sketching and painting can be put to use in coming up with arts and crafts ideas for kids as well as adults. Initially, amateur artists can have a reference picture in front of them and try to draw it on their own. Acrylic painting, canvas painting, glass painting are the hobbies which you can practice. Even the paper mache craft ideas for kids are quite easy. These are those arts and crafts ideas which can give a lot of creative satisfaction. Making stamps and potato prints can also be interesting craft ideas for kids. Making colorful masks, greeting cards and wrapping gifts can be some other arts and crafts for kids.
The Music Department of our is highly active. A period is allotted for music for all students from Grades 1 to 8. The types of songs the children learn are in keeping with their age. The tiny tots of Grades 1 and 2 are taught campfire songs. Students of Grades 3 to 8 are taught songs suited for choral singing. Besides nurturing the vocalists, the members of staff of the Music Department are engaged in teaching the intricacies of various instruments like the piano, keyboard, guitar, violin and the drums.
Overwhelmed by classwork? Scared because your parents are splitting up? Worried about a friend? Feel like you don't fit in? Sometimes it's just not possible to sort through tough times alone. Problems can build up and you may lose sleep, find you can't concentrate on homework, or even become depressed. When you need to talk to someone, your school counselor (sometimes called a guidance counselor) can be a great place to start. School counselors know how to listen and help. They'll take your problem seriously and work with you to find a good solution. School counselors are trained to help with everything — and it doesn't have to be just school stuff. A counselor can help you deal with the sadness when someone has died as well as advise you on taking the right classes to get into your dream college. School counselors can give you all sorts of tips and support on solving problems and making good decisions. Chances are that whatever problem you have, your counselor has seen it before — and have lots of good advice on how to help you work through it. Counselors can give you tips on standing up for yourself if you're being bullied, managing stress, talking to your parents, and dealing with anger and other difficult moods. Counselors also can advise you on problems you may have with a teacher, such as communication difficulties or questions over grades.
In school classrooms, we often put the cart before the horse. Before we can educate a child's mind we must tend to his bodily needs. A tired, hungry, uncomfortable child does not learn well. Using yoga, stretching and breathing exercises fosters learning. Lest anyone object to the use of yoga in schools, for religious reasons or otherwise, let me clarify that I am not referring to meditative yoga, just the basic stretching involved with yoga. Consider these benefits of yoga-like stretching, breathing and exercising. What does the average student do in the average classroom every day for six to seven hours? She sits. In hard, uncomfortable desks, breathing stale recycled air. When she's not sitting, she's lugging around an achingly heavy backpack. In short, she's getting very little healthy exercise and good fresh air. Students come home from school weary in mind and body. Yes, many schools have physical education, but generally only one to three times per week. Having short periods of yoga or other stretching and breathing periodically throughout the school day serves several purposes. Yoga strengthens lungs by teaching students to breathe deeply and use oxygen more efficiently. Yoga breathing calms the mind, the body and the spirit. It puts students in a relaxed, receptive frame of mind for learning. Yoga breathing, even sans meditation, purges the body of negative energy. Yoga is particularly useful for special needs students. The benefits of stretching periodically are many. Students experience fewer cramped muscles, stomach aches, head aches and discomfort. They are more attentive when given a chance to limber up. Students are happier and more willing to cooperate when they know that teacher cares about their whole self, not just the thinking part.
Physical activity like sports and games are fast disappearing from our children's schedule due to the overpowering of computers and video games. Insufficient outdoor space, inadequate times for parents, disorganized diet can all further lead to a physically inactive kid. We understand this better than any other campus. During the School hours from 09.15 to 03.40 hrs ,apart from intensive Classroom learning, students also get plenty of opportunities to myriad activities such as GK activity, Science activity, Puzzle solving , Debate, Creative activity, Life skill development, Music, Dance,
creative Arts , Hobby Development, Cycling, Karate, Taekwondo, Roller Skating, Swimming, Personality Development, Cookery, Abacus etc.
Pits for: High jump, Long jump, and triple jump;
Throws: Discus, Shot- put and Javelin
Soccer Ground for Events
Hockey Ground for Events
Basketball Courts
Lawn Tennis Courts with peripheral fence
Cricket Field
Volley Ball Courts
Shuttle Badminton Courts
Kho Kho Court
Ball Badminton Court Hand Ball Court Squash Court Billiards/Snooker Pool Tables Roller Skating Rink Cycling Track Indoor Hall for Shuttle, Table Tennis, Chess and Carroms Gym Room with sufficient stations